Bun: The Background, Upsides and Negatives
2023-11-05, 09:00–09:30 (Australia/Brisbane), Dining Hall

Why it is, What it is and why you should be interested

Bun is a new JavaScript runtime (the thing you run to make your source code actually do things) as a rival to the mainstream NodeJS ecosystem.

It features an all-in-one binary, package manager, standard library, complication and compatibility with regular NodeJS projects (... at least in theory).

This talk will cover some of the shiny new features this runtime brings to the table, investigates the speed and efficiency claims and looks at some of the compatibility and change-over issues you might see if you choose to use it.

Matt is the CTO of Mom's Friendly Development Company on the sunny Gold Coast of Australia. To his everlasting shame he has been falling upwards through the rungs of acadamia, obtaining his PhD from Bond University in 2011.

His software company has varied interests in everything from the construction industry and infrastructure in general through to medical research and big data.